Monday, May 18, 2015

Class Portraits 1

For Emily's project, she used a black backdrop and took portraits of people, so I tried my best to replicate it.

For Alistair, I took this fantastic portrait of him and used the Warhol effect in picmonkey, like he told me.

This is supposed to be imitating Aussie's project. I saw how she used architecture and sharp lines, and then adapted it to make it be able to be a portrait.

Jack used somewhat unflattering macro-portraits of everyone, so I returned the favor with this photo.

Kyle turned the camera to manual focus and tried to capture an intense moment, so I did the same. I also used black and white.

Max did portraits of everyone, somewhat close up, too, so I took this one of him.


  1. I like this set a lot. The photo of Max is funny and the photo in Aussie's style is super cool. Good work!

  2. Nice meme, these are all great, especially Kyle's. 11/10 would look at again.

  3. Great job capturing everyones different style!

  4. Overall, you did a great job copying the style of other people in class, so nice work! I love how you chose to crop each photo and I especially love the one of Aussie-its very strong, as well as the one of Kyle.

  5. I really like how you were able to bring the attention to the subject and not have a distracting background. Nice job

  6. wowow super crazy cool cat! noicee photos u really copied their stuff and what not

  7. I like the range of clarity and vagueness of these photos

  8. I think these are really cool, its nice to see how everyone interprets each others styles. Alistair's is onpoint, but i think maxes would have been more accurate in B&W.
