There are lines all throughout this photo, particularly from the circle in the bottom left. They point to the drain and the shadows in the top right corner.
The pipes on the roof mainly point to the doorway, and the lights in the hall.
This is a less apparent version of lines. the lines point around to the brass-colored valve on top, and the guage.
I specifically liked this photo because it was like there's a mirror in the middle of the picture. There are lines everywhere. The handrails going up and down, the stairs, and even the tree on the outside.
In this photo, there are lines all pointing to the windows and the little vents on the side of the building.
This photo incorporates rule of thirds and the lines pointing every which way on the wall, between each differently sized brick.
I like how the lines change pace right in the middle of the photo. The lines seem to point to the lines in Kyle's shoes.
Trees are always great for finding lines. The branches all point to leaves and other branches.
The curbs in the middle of the street point to max, and the scaffolding seems to point to the over-exposed building.
As Mr. Whiton said, the muni power lines are always going to be good for line projects. The cables are pointing to the constructions sight and the sky,
This photo also has some rule of thirds, and the lines between the bricks. It points to that out of place red marble piece, and the wheelchair accessible sign.
I thought the lines of stucco on the house and the cords on the side of the building intersected, some pointing to the ground, some pointing to the sign or the car.
I took this photo right out front of drew. The curb and the lines of bricks seem to point to the man with no shirt, who is arguably the center of attention in the photo.
The whole street in and of itself is a line, along with the divider in the middle. It might not be as apparent at the others, but I still thought it was nice.
For the final photo, the ledge is leading up to Max's shoes. It could also lead to the plants or the Fire Alarm Box.
Great job on these photos. They're a really strong set. My favorite one is the 5th one down because of the minimal things in the frame.